Frequently Asked Questions
How can I see the product prices?
You need to be a member of our website in order to see the product prices and to look at all of our products in categories.
How can I become a member?
You can access our customer registration form by selecting the Sign Up option on the top right of our website. If you fill in the requested information, your membership request is sent to the website administrators. Your membership will be activated within 12 hours at the latest after the evaluation. When your member registration is completed, written notification will be provided to the phone number and email address you provided.
I became a member but cannot login to the website. Why is that?
If you are unable to log in to the website after completing the customer registration form, there may be several reasons:
  • Your membership may not be approved yet. In this case, please note that your subscription will be evaluated within 12 hours at the latest. For your urgent orders, you can always contact us via our WhatsApp communication line.
  • Your membership may have been denied. If we are not sure that you are a genuine company representative for various reasons, we may not accept your membership. If your membership is rejected, you will be informed in writing. If you think there is a mistake, you can contact us via our WhatsApp communication line.
  • You may be typing at least one of your "E-Mail" or "Password" information incorrectly. Helps from the "Forgot Password" button if you do not remember the words.
How will I receive the products I purchased?

For our domestic customers: As Breeze Girls & Boys, we send our domestic customers via Yurtiçi Kargo and Aras Kargo. However, we also work with any cargo, shipping or warehouse company requested by our customers. Shipping costs belong to our customers.

For our overseas customers: We can deliver the products you purchase in our overseas shipments to all cargo and logistics companies you specify. We would like to point out that depending on the type of transportation you choose, shipping and shipping costs can be covered by our customers and should be borne by our customers.

How can I make a purchase?

Payment must be made by Money Order / EFT method for our domestic and international customers.

  • Money Order / EFT
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